Day of the deceased in Ecuador

We flew to Ecuador to see the most traditional day of the dead, we visited Cotacachi, Otavalo and Quito in what is called the Day of the Dead, a few days full of tradition and customs of our Ecuadorian brothers. We spent tonight in Cotacachi, a town near Otavalo, here we can see how people offer a serenade, there was a show with live music. to be loved, this is known as Huay Chacarai, on this occasion we shared with the Lema Cáceres Family who later invited us to their…

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5 things to do in Cusco during the pandemic.

Main Square in Cusco Perú

I travelled to Cusco in 2020 during the pandemic and I’ll show what you can do in the Incan city. Even thought we are returning little by little like before this thing you can do too. Visit the Main Square. Here is the central part of the city, you can get awesome views and photos with the main church in the background. Eat typical food in the Market or any else. You have to go to the main market in Cusco you can find handmade goods, fresh products and of…

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What to do in Popayan Colombia

It is called the white city because most of the buildings are painted white, which gives it that colonial touch that distinguishes the entire city, which has one of the largest historic centers in Latin America. A historical fact of the city is that it had to be rebuilt after several of its buildings were affected by the 1983 earthquake, this caused, for example, traditional churches to have more modern interiors. What should you put on your list when you visit Popayan? Parque Caldas The city was founded here in…

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The Cathedral inside a salt mine


The Salt Cathedral is located in Zipaquirá, Colombia. It began as a makeshift chapel for the miners. Roswell Garavito began its construction in 1991 and finished in 1995 turning it into what it is today, a majestic structure that is 180 meters underground. You have many options to get there, by private vehicle, through tours or on the Sabana train, the option that I took. The price for nationals is 37,500 pesos or 10 dollars and for foreigners 60,500 pesos or 16 dollars. You can take the train at the…

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Things to do in Colombia during the pandemic.

Main Square Bogotá Colombia La Candelaria

The reopening of Colombia to tourism during the pandemic brings many options to entertain yourself in Bogotá. Here are some things you can do on your next trip. Visit the Perseverancia Market This traditional market is over 80 years old, which is why its very famous among the locals. Here you can find the best Colombian dishes, so it is the perfect place to try Colombia through its flavors. I ate a delicious santafereño ajiaco. 2. Play Tejo A fun activity you can do with friends or family. This is…

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Go to Machu Picchu in 2022.


After being closed for 8 months, Machu Picchu reopened its doors to tourists. I visited the wonder of the world the second week of November and I was able to enjoy it like never before because there weren’t many people, an irregular opportunity that allows you to appreciate the citadel in a different way. Here are some points that will help you if you want to go during the pandemic : Free entry? To enter Machu Picchu you need a ticket and the good thing is that during the reopening…

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Visiting Cusco Perú during the pandemic.

Cusco in the pandemic

Traveling during the pandemic isn’t an easy decision for anyone. The good thing is that the imperial city of Cusco has taken strong security and safety measures and had obtained the stamp of «Safe Travels». Here I recommend some things to do in Cusco in these times: ¿How to get there? The easiest way to get to Cusco is by plane. The frequencies of the flights has decreased, but from Lima there are still many flights and little by little more national and international routes are being retaken. Remember that…

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¿Estás vacunado? Ya puedes ingresar a Estados Unidos

Después de casi un año y medio Estados Unidos ha cambiado los requisitos para ingresar al país. Estas nuevas medidas toman vigor el 8 de noviembre. Estar correctamente vacunado contre el COVID-19 Correctamente vacunado implica haber recibido la pauta completa de vacunación por lo menos dos semanas antes de tu vuelo, ya sea dos dosis para la mayoría de vacunas o una dosis en el caso de la vacuna Johnson & Johnson. La cartilla de vacunación física o digital la mostraras antes de realizar tu viaje, pero atención que solo…

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