Go to Machu Picchu in 2022.


After being closed for 8 months, Machu Picchu reopened its doors to tourists. I visited the wonder of the world the second week of November and I was able to enjoy it like never before because there weren’t many people, an irregular opportunity that allows you to appreciate the citadel in a different way. Here are some points that will help you if you want to go during the pandemic :

Free entry?

To enter Machu Picchu you need a ticket and the good thing is that during the reopening of the world wonder the entrance is free for everyone. For now, tickets are only free until December 31, 2020, but that could be extended and remember that you will have to choose a time for your visit. Check the official page: https://www.machupicchu.gob.pe/

How to get there?

To get to Machu Picchu there are several options. During the pandemic the most popular is the train with different categories and schedules; but there is also an option to walk along the Hydroelectric route. The train is the fastest option and here I explain what you need to know. The train is the quicker option to Machu Picchu.

Local train, only peruvians.

If you are Peruvian or a permanent resident in Peru you can take the local train for S/12 soles each way. The ticket can only be purchased in person and you have to show your DNI or immigration card, do it in time because they sell out quickly. The ticket can be purchased at these places.

In Cusco
– Estación de San Pedro:
Horario de atención: 7am a 2pm.
Dirección: Calle Cascaparo s/n, Cercado del Cusco
Teléfono: (+51) 84 235201

– Estación de Wanchaq
Horario de atención: 8 a.m. a 3 p.m.
Dirección: Av. Pachacútec s/n, Distrito de Wanchaq, Cusco.
Teléfono: (+51) 84 221931 / (+51) 84 238722

– Estación de Ollantaytambo
Horario de atención: 4 a.m. a 9 p.m.
Dirección: Av. Ferrocarril s/n, Ollantaytambo, Valle Sagrado, Cusco.
Teléfono: (+51) 84 581414.

Commercial fare trains

Foreigners who want to go to Machu Picchu by train only have the option of taking the commercially priced trains operated by Peru Rail and Inca Rail. There are different categories and schedules. Keep in mind that almost all trains leave and arrive in Ollantaytambo, not Cusco. Although there are some train options that depart from Cusco.

These are the pages of both operators:

PeruRail: https://www.perurail.com

Inca Rail: https://www.incarail.com

Where to stay?

Your visit to Machu Picchu can be done in a full day and you do not need to sleep in Machu Picchu Pueblo (formerly Aguas Calientes), but I do recommend to stay. If you stay one night before or after visiting the citadel you will be able to learn a little more about this town that has emerged from tourism and you will be able to make your visit to the wonder of the world with more ease. In Machu Picchu town there are many lodging options.

How to get to Machu Picchu from the Town?

Machu Picchu is located on top of a mountain and it is a long way. There is the option of going up and down on foot, but most decide to go by bus. The only buses that operate this route are those operated by CONSETTUR and tickets never run out, you can buy them just before getting on. Prices during the pandemic are:

S/19 soles for Cusco

$15 dollars for Peruvians

$24 dollars for foreigners

Take notes of this for your visit to Machu Picchu.

Take into account that the visits to Machu Picchu are in circuit and no one can go back, only advance to the exit. If there is something you long to see or know make sure you do not pass it. As an example, many want the typical postcard photo. That place is at the beginning of the circuit, so if you miss it, you will not have another chance to return.

Take repellent, especially if you go in the afternoon. Machu Picchu is in the middle of the jungle so there is a lot of humidity and when the sun comes out the insects have a party.

Bring water and snacks because during the pandemic the cafeteria was closed.

Tripods, selfie sticks and less drones are not allowed. And beware that they are very, very strict with that.

Toma en cuenta que las visitas a Machu Picchu son en circuito y nadie puede retroceder, solo avanzar hasta la salida. Si hay algo que anhelas ver o conocer asegúrate de que no lo pases. Como ejemplo, muchos quieren la típica foto de postal. Ese lugar se encuentra al comienzo del circuito, así que si te lo pasas, ya no tendrás otra oportunidad de regresar. 

Lleva repelente, especialmente si vas de tarde. Machu Picchu esta en ceja de selva así que hay mucha humedad y cuando sale el sol los insectos hacen fiesta.

Lleva agua y snacks porque durante la pandemia la cafetería estaba cerrada.

No se permiten trípode, palitos selfies y menos drones. Y ojo que son muy pero muy estrictos con eso.

Toma en cuenta que las visitas a Machu Picchu son en circuito y nadie puede retroceder, solo avanzar hasta la salida. Si hay algo que anhelas ver o conocer asegúrate de que no lo pases. Como ejemplo, muchos quieren la típica foto de postal. Ese lugar se encuentra al comienzo del circuito, así que si te lo pasas, ya no tendrás otra oportunidad de regresar. 

Lleva repelente, especialmente si vas de tarde. Machu Picchu esta en ceja de selva así que hay mucha humedad y cuando sale el sol los insectos hacen fiesta.

Lleva agua y snacks porque durante la pandemia la cafetería estaba cerrada.

No se permiten trípode, palitos selfies y menos drones. Y ojo que son muy pero muy estrictos con eso.

I hope this helps you for your trip to this wonder of the world. Here is the video of my experience:
